Friday, November 21, 2008

Service With a Smile

by Sue Wroblewski

Sue Wroblewski serves as the Director of Compassion Ministries for Community Church and as an assistant to Pastor Scott and Pastor Brian. She is also a featured blog writer for Peak Reflections and will open our eyes to God’s merciful, compassionate and loving heart.

Each one of us has talents; God given gifts. Some of us know exactly what our gifts are and exactly how God wants us to use those gifts. Others do not yet know how they are gifted or how they can use their gifts to serve others.

When our family first came to Community Church over five years ago, I wanted to help out. There was a request for volunteers to help out in KidZone. My daughter was in kindergarten at the time and so I volunteered and served in KidZone for about a year. Although I was part of a wonderful team who prayed with and for one another, and although we had a great leader (Mary Barz) who set a wonderful example for how to share God’s love with kids, I felt like something was missing.

I am not sure where I got this impression, but I grew up feeling that in order to serve I had to endure things I did not enjoy. I never considered that serving would actually be a blessing to me as well as to those I was serving! During a fabulous children’s ministry seminar at Willow Creek, the light bulb finally went on for me! I finally “got it”. God designed me…”I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. He created me for “good works that He has prepared in advance for me to do”. I knew I could serve by using the skills and gifts that God has given me – I just needed to figure out what my gifts are.

Soon afterwards Pastor Scott spoke about “jumping in” to service. He reminded us that the first place you “jump in” may not fit your serving style or your personality, and therefore it is okay to try a different ministry or volunteer opportunity. He did not suggest abandoning prior commitments; merely that it is alright to keep searching for new volunteer opportunities if your current service area is not a good fit. Soon after that I found my niche and 4 years later I am still serving in the same area and loving it!

Over the past few weeks Community Church members have been considering how they can serve their community. This weekend maybe you will try your hand unloading at the mobile food pantry or maybe you will help with the Angel workshop or the children’s games or bingo. Maybe you will think it is the most fun you have ever had and you will let me know that you want to do that again as soon as possible. Maybe you will know that without a doubt you do not want to serve in that area again! No matter what your experience this week, I pray that you will be touched by a guest or by another volunteer or just reminded of your many blessings. I also pray that you will remember that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and that you are created for “good works that He has prepared in advance for you to do” and that you will begin the process of seeking out what God has in mind for you.

The first 2 Sundays of each month there is a class called “Connect” that helps determine your giftedness and how you might put those gifts to use. Do not be afraid to try a new volunteer area – you are not making a lifetime commitment. Until you find the “thing” that gives you as much joy as those you serve… when you can offer “Service with a Smile”, then you can consider that your lifetime commitment.

Go ahead…Jump-in!

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