Sunday, November 16, 2008

Great Small Group Study Options

As we move into the holiday season, there are some small groups at Community Church that will be looking for some study materials. I have prepared a list of materials that I have previewed and think will be helpful to you.

I have developed a simple one session small group study that can be used during the Christmas season. This study will connect with the Christmas message series that kicks off in December.


Best Gifts Come in Small Packages

One session study based on the much-loved Christmas carol "The Little Town of Bethlehem." Discover the heart of the Christmas message through discussion and some practical steps anyone can take to experience the gift of Christmas afresh this season.
Click on this link for the text of the study. You will want to print out enough copies for the people in your group.


A small group study on the difference we can make in Global AIDS Crisis

This two session study comes highly recommended from our Community Church AIDS Team. Hope and Action is a DVD curriculum developed by Bill and Lynne Hybels from Willowcreek Community Church during their trip to sub-Saharan Africa.

This study can be purchased at the following link for $5.00:


Rob Bell from Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids has created a series of one session studies. These DVD based studies are creatively designed with great teachings. You purchase these videos at Barnes and Noble's website. Here is a link directly to a list of these resources:

Take a road trip through high points of Upper Michigan with Community Church pastors as they share on-location teachings on the journey of spiritual growth. This seven part series and companion study guide will help you grow in the spiritual disciplines. The study guide is $10.00 and the DVDs are $15.00. Contact the church office to get these materials.

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