Tuesday, April 7, 2009

EPIC Daily Reading

EPIC: The Story of God
Tuesday, April 7
Prophets and Prophecy
1 Kings 13-14
Today’s reading contrasts God with sinful humans. All of the people involved were expected to obey God and when they didn’t God provided consequences. A prophet from Judah comes to Bethel where Jeroboam was sacrificing to his idols and delivers God’s message of how a king from Judah will someday sacrifice the priests of this place. Jeroboam heard this prophecy and has the prophet seized, at which time the king’s hand withers. In desperation the king asks the prophet to intercede for him. God hears the prophet’s prayer and restores the king’s hand. Later, an older prophet desires to spend time with the prophet from Judah so he tricks the younger prophet into disobeying God. God then sends a prophecy against the younger prophet for defying His word even though he was tricked. This prophecy is quickly fulfilled. A third prophet, Ahijah, gives Jeroboam’s wife bad news: 1) Jeroboam’s kingdom will be taken away from him because of his wicked ways and 2) their sick child will die. Both prophecies were fulfilled. The passage closes telling of the wickedness of Jeroboam and Rehoboam: They led their people astray by worshipping other gods and setting up their own places of worship. God rips the kingdoms from both kings for their unfaithfulness.
To read today's full reading click here: 1 Kings 13-14

Questions of the Day:
In today’s passage how are the people different from God? How are you like the prophets? How are you like the kings? How will you be remembered when you die?
Prayer Focus:
All knowing, holy God, next to you I am so sinful. Like the prophets, I too can be tricked to disobey you. Thank you for your grace which keeps me from getting what I truly deserve. Please make me aware of the times when I displease you, so that I will not dishonor Jesus who died for me.

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