Friday, October 10, 2008

Celebrate Marriage!

Shelle and I celebrated our eleventh anniversary by attending "Celebrate Your Marriage" on Mackinac Island. Jay and Laura Laffoon have hosted this marriage event for a number of years and during that time thousands of couples have had the chance to rediscover laughter, romance, and just plain fun in their marriage. This was the first time Shelle and I attended this event and we both were reminded of how God really longs for couples to invest in each other and to discover the joy of oneness.

There is no better place than Mackinac Island for a couple day getaway. It is like stepping back into the 1800's with victorian homes and horse draw carriages everywhere. (Just watch where you step!!!)
When was the last time you and your spouse went on a date? Community Church has a great date night opportunity coming up this month. Its called "Dancing with Your Star." Join your spouse for an evening of dinner and some basic dance lessons from a local ballroom dance instructor. The date is Friday, October 24th and it kicks off at 6:30pm. The cost is $25.00.

Also, check out Jay and Laura Laffoon's ministry at


  1. The Laffoons have been a great blessing to us, and we have never even made it to a Celebrate Weekend!

    We won't be able to attend the dance lesson date night, but we will be having a great weekend away together ;)

  2. Jerrod and I went to "Celebrate" on Mackinac Island in May with Gene & Marjie. It truly is a blessing to just get away, enjoy the peacefulness (& horse poo!) of the island and laugh with your spouse. Jay & Laura have an amazing ministry. And they are on Facebook if anyone wants to join their group - it's called 'Celebrate with Jay & Laura'.
